「本間 健司 POP UP SHOP」オンラインショップにて特別開催
WISE・WISE tools 東京ミッドタウン店にて期間限定展示中の出展作品を、オンラインショップでも特別販売いたします。
■ 本間 健司 / HONMA Kenji
漆芸家 / 茨城県 Urushi lacquer artist / Ibaraki Pref.
2020年 国際漆展 大賞受賞
2023年 LOEWE CRAFT PRIZE 2023 ファイナリスト選出
Domestic urushi lacquer in Japan has been very limited in its supply. Kenji, however, grows urushi trees and taps their saps (urushi) by himself to make his works only with domestic urushi.
He says, “My working life has always been with the life of the lacquer tree. It will make me happy if people imagine from my works the time and scenery that the trees had belonged in.” His such thought may get through to you once you see his powerful and fascinating works which take advantage of the texture of dynamic tree bark.