サブロウ 展

「サブロウ 展」オンラインショップにて特別開催
Special sale of Saburo’s works in online shop
Glass works, made by Saburo – a glassware artist – for his exhibition at our real shop in July 2022, specially appear in our online shop.Your understanding that the sale is limited time offer will be appreciated.
■ サブロウ Saburo
ガラス作家 滋賀県 Kiln-forming grass artisan
Saburo uses “Kiln-forming” techniques, which make good use of different levels of behavior of the glass triggered by the heat. Depending on the heating stage, glass bends, deforms and becomes liquid in a kiln. Taking advantage of such properties of glass, kiln-forming glassware is made. We offer two kinds of Saburo’s colored glassworks: “Afumi (the old name of freshwater lakes)” patterned with mosaic and “Aya-ito (colored strings)” with traditional kiriko (cut-glass). Saburo’s concept is “I would propose glassware with atmosphere, which make your life more valuable.”