ベンガラ染め 別注SASAWASHI 手編み帽子


ベンガラ染め 別注SASAWASHI 手編み帽子










在庫 : 在庫僅少



商品名 ベンガラ染め 別注SASAWASHI 手編み帽子 / Bengala dyed Special order SASAWASHI hand knitted hat
生産地 本体素材:日本・愛媛県 / Ehime Pref,Japan
本体加工:インドネシア / Indonesia
ウッドビーズ:日本・長野県 / Nagano Pref,Japan
素材 本体:ささ和紙 / Sasa washi paper
ウッドビーズ:国産材 / Domestic wood
サイズ 約56~58cm


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※How to do the laundry: Take off a ribbon string before washing, as the top of the string is not washable. Follow the instructions on the care labels



里見裕子 Yuko Satomi

木工作家 / 長野県 Woodworking craftsman / Nagano Pref.

紫外線98%以上カット!爽やかな手編み帽子 SASAWASHI(ささ和紙)は紫外線A・B・C波全てを98%以上カットする天然のUVカット素材。断熱性・吸湿性・抗菌防臭効果を持ち、さらに水洗いできるので、汗が気になる季節もずっと快適にお使い頂けます。さっと畳んでバッグに入れられるので、携帯にも便利。日差しの気になる日にも、爽やかに過ごせます。
SASAWASHI, the mix of fibers from washi (Japanese traditional paper) and kumazasa (a kind of bamboo), is a natural UV protective material blocking more than 98% of all UVs (A, B and C). Heat insulation, moisture absorbency and anti-bacterial effects are other advantages. On top of that, it is washable so that you can use the hat even during a hot summer when you drench with sweat. Another advantage is portability that the hats can be folded and put in your bag.
ささ和紙とは、昔からに日本に生息する「くま笹」と、日本人が昔から生活に取り入れてきた「和紙」に着目し、「くま笹」を和紙にすき込んだ新素材。繊維と繊維の間には隙間があり、湿度が高ければ水分を吸収し、乾燥していれば発散し、吸水性も綿の約2倍あります。また、くま笹の持つ自然の抗菌防臭作用で臭いを抑え、菌の増殖を防ぎ、生分解する働きがあることが確かめられています。 SASAWASHI is a new material by mixing fibers of “kumazasa”, a kind of bamboo having inhabited in Japan from old days, into washi, Japanese paper made by traditional methods, which has been commonly used in the life of the Japanese people. Fibers of SASAWASHI absorb and vent moisture responding to humidity conditions. The water absorption rate is almost twice that of cotton. It is also confirmed that kumazasa has germ resistant and deodorant and biodegradation effects.
日本で古くから寺社仏閣の瓦等に使われてきた、土から取れる天然成分の顔料”ベンガラ”。上質な天然染料ならではの深みのある美しい発色は、紫外線に強く、日光による褪色が少ないのが特徴です。 人体にも環境にも優しい伝統色です。 Manufactured in Indonesia using SASAWASHI and ribbon strings made in Ehime pref and Nagano pref,respectively,in Japan. Bengara (Colcothar or red iron oxide), which has been used in Japan since early times, is a natural pigment gained from soil. It is highly pigmented, protects from ultraviolet, and gets less color fading against sunlight. On top of that, it has no harm to human bodies and natural environment.
For shape stabilization, the circumference of the brim is woven with a plastic wire. As such, it is easy to change the shape depending on the situation; bend the brim down in the sun or up when you need to show your face directly.
A one-of-a-kind charm, made by a Woodcrafts Artist SATOMI Yuko, is attached to each hat, and the design of this product is exclusively for WISE-WISE.
WISE・WISE tools 東京ミッドタウン店頭でも、開業時からのロングセラーとなっているSASAWASHI手編み帽子。夏の紫外線対策に欠かせないアイテムです。
ワイス・ワイス オリジナルの手編み帽子。ぜひお気に入りのデザインを見つけてください。
Functional hats are essential items to block strong ultraviolet in summer. Because summers in Japan are hot and humid, it is important that the hat can be easy to wash Nevertheless, it is not so easy to find out such functional hats.
You can wear the SASAWASHI hat anywhere you want to go, even near water like at poolside.
作り手-WISE・WISE tools オリジナル